Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Let iframe auto-adjust its height

Iframe, especially no-border iframe, can integrate with a webpage seamlessly, and can update one part of this page without refresh. However, the size of a iframe usually can not adjust as arbitrarily as a layer. Now, we can use a javascript function below, to let iframe adjust its height automaticly.

function SetCwinHeight(){
  var cwin=document.getElementById("cwin");
  if (document.getElementById){
      if (cwin && !window.opera) {
          if (cwin.contentDocument && cwin.contentDocument.body.offsetHeight)
              cwin.height = cwin.contentDocument.body.offsetHeight;
          else if(cwin.Document && cwin.Document.body.scrollHeight)
              cwin.height = cwin.Document.body.scrollHeight;

Then, add html code of iframe. Donot foreget the attribute "onload". Of course, the id of iframe should match "cwin" in the function SetCwinHeight:

<iframe width="778" align="center" height="200" id="cwin" name="cwin" onload="Javascript:SetCwinHeight()" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>

In the end, recommend a function used to get the object of a html element.

function GetObj(objName){
        return eval('document.getElementById("' + objName + '")');
    }else if(document.layers){
        return eval("document.layers['" + objName +"']");
        return eval('document.all.' + objName);


Anonymous said...

Works like a charm. Thanks so much!

Anonymous said...

Works great in IE but not in firefox. Any idea?

Anonymous said...

works in ie only. tried firefox, safari, chrome.

Frank said...
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Frank said...

its works only in same domain... but when we link to another domain its not working...